5 Studio Essentials

I have subscribed to Fine Gardening magazine for a number of years now. It is filled with photos of gorgeous gardens, design ideas, reviews and advice regarding a myriad of plants and planting conditions, all pulled together by a roster of horticultural experts.

Readers' tips

But my favorite part of the magazine, the one I flip to first, comes from other readers.  Every month I find some tidbit that is so smart and so simple that it completely justifies the price of my subscription. These suggestions are all the more appreciated because they come from everyday gardeners like myself, who are using their ingenuity to find an inexpensive solution to a pesky problem.

That said, I’d like to share a list with you that outlines five relatively simple things (with several sub-categories) that I’d be hard-pressed to give up. My studio is filled with all sorts of supplies in addition to the basics of fabric, thread, paint, and dye; some I use regularly and others rarely. But it’s these items, which aren’t fancy or unusual, that I couldn’t do without.

1. Sketchbook     Actually, I have three different kinds, all of which I use constantly.

SketchbooksGarden-variety sketchbooks for daily drawing.

LogA 3-ring notebook/ log.  I add pages back-to-front, stamping the date at the top of each entry. I use this to make basic sketches of on-going projects, to jot down ideas that crop up while I’m working, and for logging hours when needed.

ReferenceA reference book where I paste all sorts of materials for inspiration. You can read more about this book in this post about color.

2. My Laptop   Could any of us live without a computer? More specifically, I have found 2 programs that I use daily, both free and downloadable from the internet. 1. Evernote: This is like a virtual filing cabinet / workspace and is “organization-central” for me.  2. Pocket: Use it to save articles that you don’t have time to read in the moment, but want to be sure to get back to when your schedule allows. One click and they’re all in one place — fantastic!

3. Rolls of Tracing Paper     My father, a retired architect, gave me my first roll of tracing paper years ago. I wouldn’t be without one now. You just can’t beat being able to have a length as long as you need.


4. A favorite writing pen     This is an inexpensive luxury that makes everyday tasks a pleasure. I am very partial to the Koh-I-Noor Nexus Studio pen (less than $3.00).


and finally…

5. Compression Gloves     These gloves work wonders to relieve hand/wrist strain from repetitive movements. They are lightweight and my hands don’t get hot so I forget I’m wearing them, but they definitely make a world of difference for long stretches of hand-stitching or computer work.


You must also have favorite tools in your arsenal that you think are share-worthy. Would you be willing to let us know what they are?

4 thoughts on “5 Studio Essentials

  1. Marie Marfia

    A fan (it’s hot here in Florida), my iPad for music and working from reference photos, bungie cords to clip my box of pastels to my easel.

    1. ehwfram Post author

      Thanks for chiming in Marie – I didn’t even consider the different needs dictated by where one lives.

  2. Csilla

    I’m ordering the gloves today… Never thought of these for stiff hands after repetitive work… it just might make drawing easier…

    As for Pocket…. it’s also one of my favorite apps…. I don’t know of ‘Evernote’… but will definitely check it out!

    Great suggestions, Betsy!

    1. ehwfram Post author

      Glad these suggestions resonated with you. I owed you one for all the great info re: pencils and erasers! Try using the gloves while you’re working; they make a huge difference.

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