Category Archives: Scheduling

Tilling Ideas

I was chatting with a couple of artist buddies earlier this week and one of the things that came up was the havoc that summer can wreak on devoted studio time. Considering our drawn-out Vermont winters, paired with an elongated mud season, there isn’t any question that being outside during this very limited time of sun and warmth becomes a priority. In addition to a host of other outdoor activities, most folks I know have a garden to tend. So it’s no surprise that, despite the days being longer, July and August pose an even greater challenge than usual for squeezing in everything one wants to accomplish.


Garden Study 1     © 2016 Elizabeth Fram                                                                                   There is one section of my garden that has been blowing me away this year. The plants are so lush and, at certain times of day, the light catches their diversity of color so beautifully. These little studies don’t begin to do the sight justice, but it’s a true pleasure to be outside with my paintbox, learning as I practice, immersed in the color and shapes.

This certainly isn’t a new or unique problem and doesn’t only occur at this time of year. When my kids were little, it became something of a quest to try to figure out how to carve more time into my schedule so I could be in the studio most days — or let’s face it, to try to carve out any time to be in the studio most days. The theories and advice surrounding ‘productivity’ which have become so prevalent in articles and on blogs now, just weren’t as easily accessible then. I did my best to make it up as I went along.


Garden Study 2     ©2016 Elizabeth Fram

I was so excited to find the book A Question of Balance: Artists and Writers on Motherhood by Judith Pierce Rosenberg, which at least let me know I wasn’t alone in trying to devise a way to squeeze creative time in with the myriad of daily chores I had to cover. But truthfully, I found the book pretty discouraging because it seemed that those who were most successful, were so because they had hired a full-time nanny, or had a spouse who covered all bases on the home front, neither of which was a consideration for me. The most valuable wisdom lay between the lines in what a minority of those interviewed wrote: it all comes down to compromise, commitment, and some good old-fashioned ingenuity. There is no magic bullet.

One of my friends from the aforementioned conversation said that although she is spending long hours moving earth and pulling weeds these days, she is still thinking about her art and working through ideas while she’s in the garden. She may not be in her studio, but she is creatively active nevertheless. Her point reminded me of Adam Grant’s TEDtalk  “The Surprising habits of Original Thinkers” which touches upon the fact that moderate procrastination can foster greater innovation and better creative solutions. To be fair, having an overflowing schedule that keeps you away from the studio isn’t quite the same as procrastination, but Grant’s theory offers a positive way to frame the frustration you may be feeling when you aren’t able to put in as much active studio time as you wish, highlighting that having time to consider and develop ideas can provide a more successful outcome. And it’s quite likely that the interruption from her usual schedule will provide a fresh perspective that will make for positive progress once she can get back to the studio more regularly.


Garden Study 3     ©2016 Elizabeth Fram

For what it’s worth, another solution which has been very successful for me is one that I learned from Cal Newport of Study Hacks Blog. (I’ve mentioned him before; he is the guy who champions the idea of “deep work” in order to make concrete strides with what he calls “knowledge” work.) Newport asserts that scheduling is key. Don’t just add an item (i.e. studio time) to your to-do list, schedule it. It’s a rare day that everything on one’s list gets checked off, but with a designated time-slot on your calendar, priorities will get done.

Please leave a comment with your solutions for tackling this common dilemma. Thanks!

Taming the (scheduling) Beast

How can it almost be Thanksgiving already?

There’s nothing like the holidays for putting a serious crimp in the schedules we’re already scrambling to tame. And while I don’t want to miss out on the things that are unique to the season, I also don’t want to put my artwork on hold for 6 weeks. Actually, holidays or not, staying one step ahead of the calendar to insure enough time in the studio can be a challenge any time of the year. I think this is all the more true when one is working to work, not because a specific deadline looms on the horizon.


Dirty Knives – 15 min sketch     ©2015 Elizabeth Fram                                                                        I had a painting instructor in college who said she used the time between watercolor washes to accomplish household chores. I’ve discovered that theory can work in reverse as well: I like to make quick drawings while waiting for something to finish baking, waiting in the car, or when I’m on hold on the phone.

I’ve been checking in with a lot of solid resources for beefing up productivity this past year, and it always seems to boil down to the fact that if something isn’t written into the schedule, it’s much less likely to happen. James Clear’s short post on The Myth of Creative Inspiration really drills that point home.

In writing 10 Business Tips for the Independent Artist, Forbes contributor Jason T. Borbet outlines the following:

  • Live By The Schedule  The corporate world revolves around the schedule — so should your art career. Be rigid
  • Know your hours — if you paint from 10PM – 5AM? Fine, just be consistent.
  • Organize your day carefully: emails, social media, create, business outreach, create, emails.
  • Set a deadline for each piece — stick to it*.
  • Plan exhibitions far in advance; set milestones (work creation, promotion, work delivery, event coordination, show take-down, etc.).
  • Takeaway: A traditional career path does not exist for an artist — scheduling is a variable you can, and must control.
  • *Bonus: Inspiration is for amateurs.

Scissors 2     ©2015 Elizabeth Fram

So if you struggle, as I often do, to squeeze everything into a given week — especially at this time of year — first, take comfort in the fact that as a creative person you undoubtedly have a knack for brainstorming elastic solutions for overcoming hurdles that might stymie someone else. Secondly, I’ve found that relying on a kitchen timer allows me to cram work into short snippets of available time. It’s something of a psychological gimmick, but it helps to assure that I accomplish something, even if it’s very small.  Then I can look back over even the busiest day and know I made at least one more step forward art-wise.

Happy Thanksgiving!